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Why Pre-Meds Should Consider Taking Public Health Electives


As a pre-med student, you’re likely focused on your medical school prerequisites—particularly the ones that impact your science GPA. But have you ever considered the value of public health electives as part of your preparation for becoming a physician?

Public health courses offer insights into health on a broader scale, going beyond individual patient care to address community well-being and systemic challenges. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, an awareness of public health has become key for many practicing physicians. This article covers why public health electives deserve a spot on your course schedule as you prepare to become a doctor and outlines some top picks to consider.

Why Public Health Matters in Medicine – And Your Pre-Med Studies

Public health and medicine are deeply intertwined. While medicine focuses on diagnosing and treating individual patients, public health aims to prevent disease and improve health outcomes at the population level. By understanding public health principles, you’ll gain a more holistic perspective on healthcare, which can enhance your future practice as a physician.

By integrating public health courses into your undergrad studies or into a pre-med post-bacc program, you can:

  • Gain a broader perspective. Go beyond biological mechanisms of disease to explore social determinants of health, health disparities, and global health issues.
  • Develop insight into healthcare systems. No doctor, no matter how brilliant, practices alone. Studying public health helps you understand how healthcare policies, economics, and infrastructure impact patient outcomes.
  • Enhance your competitiveness: Demonstrate to medical schools that you’re interested in addressing issues beyond the clinic as well as inside it. Or equip yourself for a more research-oriented pathway, such as an MD/PhD program.
  • Explore your career options. Taking public health courses exposes you to a variety of roles that complement clinical work, such as epidemiology, health policy, or global health.

Public Health Electives for Pre-Meds to Consider

Here some public health electives that are worth your time:


Epidemiology is the backbone of public health. It’s the study of the patterns, causes, and effects of diseases in populations. Understanding epidemiology can better equip you to interpret medical research earlier in your medical education. It can also prepare you to understand the signs of outbreaks and help address them when you become a healthcare practitioner.

Global Health

Global health courses examine issues affecting populations worldwide, such as infectious diseases, malnutrition, and access to care. If you’re passionate about solving health challenges in diverse cultural and socioeconomic contexts, a global health course could help you further define your professional direction.

Health Policy and Management

Taking health policy and management courses is a good idea for anyone who wants to become a physician. The earlier you become familiar with healthcare regulations, policy-making processes, and the management of health organizations, the better prepared you’ll be to navigate complex systems when you begin your medical career. 

Insight into the policy side of healthcare can also empower you to advocate for legislation or regulations that support your patients’ needs.

Social Determinants of Health

Your patients’ social experiences will directly impact the conditions they present with in your exam room. Taking courses that examine the social determinants of health help you understand how factors like income, education, and environment influence health outcomes. You’ll also be better equipped to provide more equitable care when you begin your practice.


Love data? Taking a biostatistics class lets you get hands-on with statistical methods for analyzing and interpreting health data. The concepts covered in a biostatistics class form a foundation for any aspiring physician who wants to understand the foundations of evidence-based practice, but are especially ideal for pre-meds who know they want to pursue research roles.

Public Health Post-Baccs and Other Experiences

If you’ve talked to your pre-health advisor, and you can’t fit public health courses into your remaining time at college—or if you’ve already graduated—there are other ways to get experience in public health before you apply to medical school.

Post-bacc certificate programs that cover topics in public health are plentiful, and many are online. You can find several programs that cover the electives above, as well as other topics such as environmental health or occupational health. You may also opt to pursue a Master of Public Health or other public health-related degree as part of your medical school preparation.

Don’t forget to look for extracurricular opportunities related to public health. Volunteer with community health organizations, intern at a public health agency, or participate in research projects. These experiences not only reinforce your learning but also demonstrate your commitment to holistic care—a quality medical schools value.

Incorporating public health electives into your pre-med journey can profoundly shape your understanding of healthcare. These courses will equip you with the knowledge and skills to tackle challenges beyond the exam room, preparing you to become a compassionate and impactful physician.

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